Toronto-based copywriter with a deep affinity for cats and a deep aversion to cliches. I can write about anything but myself. ​​​​​​​
Selected Experience
Rethink - Copywriter (Feb 2022 - Present) 
Rethink - Copywriting Internship (Jan 2022 - Feb 2022) 
Mosaic - Copywriting Internship (Oct 2021 - Dec 2021)
Sun Life - Marketing Communications Writer (July 2020 - Sept 2021) ​​​​​​​
Miami Ad School, Toronto - Copywriting Portfolio Program 
One Club for Creativity - Young Ones Mentorship Program 
University of Toronto - Certificate in Conversational French 
University of Toronto - Honours Bachelor of Arts, History & Political Science
Miami Ad School, Live Client Competition 2021- Silver 
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